When the KGB Weaponized ‘Peace’: A Q&A with Dietmar Pichler — Bette Dangerous Podcast Ep91
Disinformation analyst and Disinfo Resilience Network founder Dietmar Pichler explains the KGB origins and infiltration of the peace movement, and how for Russia ‘peace’ is an anti-Western operation
When the KGB Weaponized ‘Peace’: A Q&A with Dietmar Pichler — Bette Dangerous Podcast Ep91
When the KGB Weaponized ‘Peace’: A Q&A with…
When the KGB Weaponized ‘Peace’: A Q&A with Dietmar Pichler — Bette Dangerous Podcast Ep91
Disinformation analyst and Disinfo Resilience Network founder Dietmar Pichler explains the KGB origins and infiltration of the peace movement, and how for Russia ‘peace’ is an anti-Western operation