It’s an odd fact that a parallel story was told during the 50s in the opposite political direction by the TV series “I Led Three Lives” starring Richard Carlson. The character was a stand up citizen, an operative in a Communist cell, and an FBI undercover agent. The show was syndicated when I was a kid in the Camelot years. The rules of propaganda apply whoever wished to use them.

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I remember it well. Good guys and bad guys were clearly defined and it was the only way we could imagine our country being— where enemies were found out and prosecuted, and democracy was always saved. Now it seems they will run our country. Impossible to fathom in the 1950s.

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Thank you for your direction. I’m reading a PDF version publicly available (donation suggested) at https://archive.org/details/UnderCoverMyFourYearsInTheNaziUnderworldOfAmerica.

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Just reserved it from interlibrary loan. Interesting that only 2 of 4 regional copies were available!!

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