American Monster — Tucker Carlson
Twelfth in a series on US criminals accelerating global fascism
***The American Monster series is for paid members. Please take out a membership to support my work.***
Italian fascism scholar Ruth Ben-Ghiat referred to Tucker Carlson as ‘The Enforcer.’
A party’s enforcer is the one who keeps everyone in line. “When Ted Cruz called the January 6 insurrection ‘a violent terrorist attack’, he had to appear on Carlson’s show and apologize to him for telling the truth,” she said.
Republican Sen. Ted Cruz was criticized by Carlson so he had to quickly walk back his remarks on Carlson’s then-primetime show on Fox News, Tucker Carlson Tonight, in a series of embarrassing apologies — engaging in what’s known as the political walk-back.
As the Official Voice of Trumpism while internal messages revealed he hates Trump “passionately”, Carlson had publicly criticized Cruz for his truth, and Cruz had to prove he was an obeisant party apparatchik by eating dirt on national TV.
‘Spittle-Flecked Mouthpiece of Fascism’
“There is no circle of hell deep enough for this morally decrepit, ethically bereft, spittle-flecked mouthpiece of fascism,” High Fidelity, the co-host of RADICALIZED Truth Survives podcast, told Bette Dangerous. “Tucker Carlson is to Putin what Lord Haw Haw was to Hitler — a rust needle injection of poisonous propaganda flowing through the veins of an unsuspecting public, collapsing the very building block cells of civilization and decency wherever his vile utterances find purchase.
“Every word that plummets from this man’s puerile mouth has the methane whiff of gaslight and is singed with the blackest carbon of hate. He embodies the absolute worst in us — a craven, self centered, toddler angst — spoiled brat, brow furrowed, diaper soiled, howling in fury at a lost sterling rattle, the silver spoon fallen from his fishstick heir mouth. Tucker’s feigned outrage at a world that has the sheer audacity to not conform to his myopic bowtied homogenized lily white world view envenoms every ear it drips into, and woe unto the family who has a member ensnared by his bilious lies.
“For far too long he has been smeared across America’s screens like a greasy handprint, leaving nothing behind but minds fouled by his grime and hate. I will be honest, I rejoiced at his removal from the national stage. But now, a second act raises for this most malignant actor. Bolstered by the support of the world’s richest shite tier Nazi troll, Elon Musk, and pockets fat from Russia’s favorite billionaire alleged money laundering family, the Mercers, Tucker shall attempt once again to ascend to relevance as the champion of all that is mayonnaise mediocre male with his new sewage streaming service. Yes, the fascists are well-funded in their quest for world domination, while those of us left standing in the breach for democracy have to scrounge pennies for a needle with which to lance such a pustulant boil as the propagandist Tucker Carlson, but scrounge we must. The abscess of fascism must be excised, and Tucker’s poison, drained.”
Carlson proved too much of a liability for even one-billion short Rupert Murdoch, who unceremoniously decoupled from his Chief Propagandist after the Dominion Voting Systems lawsuit discovery revealed Carlson didn’t believe the lies he was telling his many millions audience.
Part of the $787.5 million dollar settlement in the lawsuit brought by Dominion against Fox News and Fox Corp was the admission by the network that it had lied.
Rupert Murdoch testified under oath that he knew Fox anchors ‘endorsed’ lies about the 2020 election ‘fraud’, and did nothing to stop it.
The media empire was forced in the settlement to acknowledge that claims it had made about Dominion were lies. Not only did anchors spread the lies to millions of viewers, but according to court documents, they did so knowingly. That lie inflamed people to violence.
Dominion had alleged Fox spread lies that its machines had helped rig the 2020 election in Joe Biden’s favor.
It’s worth revisiting some of the discovery:
Carlson wrote that lawyer and Trump aide Sidney Powell was lying. “It’s insane.”
Fox host Laura Ingraham responded: “Sidney is a complete nut. No one will work with her. Ditto with Rudy.”
And yet, they platformed them. Internal messages also revealed that he hates Trump “passionately”.
Yet Carlson pushed election lies, according to those internal messages, knowingly. Those lies were weaponized and then detonated on the Capitol on January 6, when thousands of people showed up to demand Trump’s victory, resulting in a bloody, violent, lethal, and quite frankly — horrifically embarrassing day in US history.
Despite the Big Reveal that he cynically knew he was lying, which in a pre-Trump world would have banished him to the Island of Lost Fox Souls where Bill O’Reilly and Kimberly Guilfoyle channel the ghost of Roger Ailes, remembering the good times when they could sexually harass colleagues with impunity, he found another racist to prop him up in primetime — Elon Musk.
‘Ultimate White Supremacist’
“Tucker Carlson is the ultimate white supremacist,” Julie DeLaurier told Bette Dangerous. DeLaurier is the lead organizer of Truth Tuesdays — a group of activists who protest in front of Fox News’ New York headquarters each Tuesday to try to put an end to Fox’s lying culture of harms. “Born rich, white, obscenely privileged and entitled, nothing horrifies Tucker more than the spectre of non-white people — especially immigrants — achieving through hard work a fraction of the wealth he lucked into by accident of birth.
“The important thing to remember about Tucker and other right-wing propagandists: the fear, paranoia and outrage they stoke is always, always rooted in white supremacy.”
The Washington Post referred to Carlson as the “leading voice of white grievance politics”, and due to his then-nightly barrage of sexism, racism, xenophobia, and myriad conspiracy theories, Fox often lost advertisers, which didn’t stop his show from being one of the most watched on cable news.
The Making of a Monster
Tucker Swanson McNear Carlson — a 54-year-old extremist TV personality who’s Big In Russia — was born in San Francisco and must have suffered a terrible loss when his wealthy boho artist mother left the family when he was six-years-old and never returned. Three years later, his father — a former gonzo reporter turned Orbán lobbyist — married an heiress to Swanson Enterprises frozen food fortune — and she legally adopted him.
Through nepotism and birthright, he was always going to be a some variation of conservative politico, but even former colleagues closest to him ask, just what exactly happened to him?
A 2018 CJR report tries to unravel the ‘mystery’:
Jon Lovett of Crooked Media and Pod Save America, noted, “Tucker Carlson’s transition from conservative serious-ish writer to blustery CNN guy to Daily Caller troll to race-baiting Fox News host is like ice core data on what led to this moment in our politics.”
In June, Conor Friedersdorf wrote in The Atlantic, “Carlson squandered his considerable God-given talent for scrupulously true commentary, opting instead for clickbait at The Daily Caller or dumbed-down demagoguery at Fox.”
There’s something to all the liberal hand-wringing. In a speech Carlson gave to CPAC in 2009, he pleaded with conservative journalists to focus on reporting rather than punditry. He held up The New York Times as a standard bearer, begging writers “to go out there and find what is happening….not just interpret things they hear in the mainstream media.” His pleas were met with boos.
But just six years later, Carlson was calling out The New York Times for pro-Clinton advocacy, and in June 2018 accused the paper of blatantly lying to the American people about Saddam Hussein’s weapons of mass destruction, Bashar Al-Assad, and Russian interference in the 2016 elections.
If we can figure out how an intelligent writer and conservative can go from writing National Magazine Award–nominated articles to shouting about immigrants on Fox News, perhaps we can understand what is happening to this country, or at least to journalism, in 2018.
Alas, it’s been five years, and a billion-dollar settlement later, and still, no answers.
As yet another Fox viewer pleads guilty today to a felony charge related to his attack on the Capitol on January 6, his attorney said he had ‘Foxmania’ — he said the 29-year-old Delaware man “was hooked on Fox and started believing what was fed to him”.
Which we know by Murdoch’s admission and Carlson’s messages were poisonous cynical lies.
So this newly minted felon is one of millions addicted to the Outrage Factory of White Grievance flamed by Carlson — another life destroyed by propaganda.
When tallying up the casualties of this propaganda war, it’s important to not forget that Fox viewers were sent to an early Covid death.
A University of Chicago study titled Misinformation During a Pandemic reported Fox News viewers experienced greater numbers of COVID-19 deaths.
“Media outlets often present diverging, even conflicting, perspectives on reality — not only informing, but potentially misinforming audiences,” its authors wrote. “Through both a selection-on-observables strategy and an instrumental variable approach, we find that areas with greater exposure to the show downplaying the threat of COVID-19 experienced a greater number of cases and deaths.”
Evidence in the study suggested a higher viewership of Fox News’ “is associated with a greater number of COVID-19 cases and deaths during the early onset of the coronavirus pandemic.”
In a Kaiser Family Foundation study, Fox News’ COVID-19 lies were documented, and the study determined Fox watchers were more likely to believe Covid lies than people who take in other sources of news.
So shouldn’t non-brainwashed Americans breathe a sigh of relief that the Enforcer and Chief Propagandist Tucker Carlson — lost his big platform? Not really. He’s still out there on the hellscape formerly known as Twitter with Tucker on X, reputation washing American Monster Alex Jones, and internet felons like Douglass MacKey, whose felony conviction for interfering in the 2016 election poses a threat to Carlson, who ‘knowingly’ spreads lies that result in violence and death.
But it’s not just the white grievance and lies, and the ensuing violence and death that occurs when white grievance and lies are broadcast into millions of homes nightly, Carlson became a malignant liability to the Murdoch clan when they were sued for his culture of misogyny.
The Fox News anchor had been serving up misogyny and white grievance for so long, radicalizing so many of our fathers beyond recognition as I wrote in How I Lost My Father to Fox News, it becomes an endless trauma loop. Many of us can never get our fathers back. There is no lower rung of hell low enough for those who poison good people’s minds for a living.
So when I read former Fox producer Abby Grossberg’s lawsuit, with its claims of sexism, anti-semitism and bullying, I thought, sounds about right.
The former talent booker for Carlson’s Fox show, Tucker Carlson Tonight, said in a legal complaint that she experienced abusive behavior, misogyny, and harassment.
Of the two lawsuits Grossberg filed, the one aimed at her work environment on Carlson’s show described a frat-house mentality.
The preliminary statement reads: “This case is as troubling as it is familiar; it is yet another in the long line of cases chronicling the misogynistic environment that permeates Fox News and fosters a toxic workplace where truth remains a fugitive while female workers are verbally violated on almost a daily basis by a poisonous and entrenched patriarchy.”
It’s worth noting Carlson remained employed at the network after recorded conversations surfaced from an interview where he revealed a voyeuristic lust for teen sex.
When the show host described 14-year-old girls at Carlson's daughter's school sexually experimenting with each other, he said: "If it weren't my daughter, I would love that scenario."
The network remained nonplussed when it was reported in Byline Times that Carlson’s dad headed up a lobbying firm paid hundreds of thousands of dollars to reputation-wash Viktor Orbán’s administration – including a clause in the contract for one of Orbán’s allies to appear on Tucker’s show.
I only know this fact because I woke up one morning wondering what kind of father he had, only to learn I had shared a cubicle with one of Dick Carlson’s former reporting partners, and that’s when I learned of the family’s ties to Orbán.
In that report, I wrote:
I often try to figure out how people became who and what they are. I look at someone like John Lewis and think, his parents must have been such good people. Sure enough, he was raised by sharecroppers, who married a year after they met, had ten children, and inspired John to make good trouble.
So when examining the Republican Party’s Enforcer and Chief, Tucker Carlson, I decided it was time to take a look at his father - to see what kind of man could raise such a monster.
Well, once I got over the shock that I used to share a cubicle with one of Dick Carlson’s former reporting partners - yeah, that happened - I noticed that Tucker Carlson’s dad lobbies for Viktor Orbán.
I could just end this report here…
But I felt important to keep going.
Tucker Carlson’s dad, 82-year-old Richard Carlson, is the director of a Washington-based firm that lobbied for Orbán in the United States, according to the firm’s website.
Orbán, you might recall, is Hungary’s authoritarian leader, whose anti-human rights actions are being modeled by the Republican party.
You might also recall, Tucker Carlson broadcast his show from Hungary in 2021, in advance of attending an extremist conference in Budapest.
The bottom line - Tucker met with Putin’s man Orbán after a firm where his father is a director received hundreds of thousands of dollars from the Hungarian Government to help reputation wash the Orbán regime.
As my investigative writing colleague Sian Norris reported for Byline Times:
Carlson met Prime Minister Viktor Orbán during his trip, two years after the Hungarian Government paid $265,000 to Policy Impact Strategic Communications Inc (sometimes known as Policy Impact Communications or Policy Impact) to “provide outreach to the U.S. Government and media on behalf of the Embassy of Hungary in support of its ongoing objectives to improve US-Hungarian relations, by coordinating, facilitating, and managing Government affairs, activities and media management.”
The deal included co-ordinating an interview with Peter Szijjártó, Hungary’s Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade, on the Tucker Carlson show.
Carlson’s father, former US Ambassador to the Seychelles Richard Carlson, is a Director of the Washington D.C-based lobbying firm. Senior advisor William Cowen also has links to Fox News.
Tucker Carlson, who is currently creating unreality around January 6 to cover for knowingly promoting 2020 election lies, according to Dominion Voting System’s court filings, went to Hungary to promote fascist propaganda and his father, Dick, is a director of a lobbying group that promotes Orbán.
Okay, got it.
Sian also wrote:
This is not the first time Carlson has shown his support to Orbán and his Fidesz Party.
In 2019 – the same year the deal was struck between his father’s business and the Hungarian Embassy – Carlson delivered a monologue on his Fox News show praising Orban’s family protection programme.
Norris explained that the programme seeks to incentivise women to have more “ethnic Hungarian children”, awarding women a loan on marriage that is written off should she have three children or more with her husband.
In his monologue, Carlson explained that Hungary had lost “half a million of its population” due to low birth rates and that the “neoliberals” who “run the European Union” believed the country could fix that problem by importing a “replacement population from the third world”.
In essence, he was doing extremist racist propaganda, Great Replacement, on primetime.
Please read Sian’s full report here.
And for a refresher on why Tucker Carlson is lying through his teeth to get viewers to believe unreality about the Insurrection, please refer to my latest report in Byline Supplement, which offers a comprehensive view of the damage Fox does.
In addition, my series on the scandals unfolding at Fox can be read here.
Lastly, I always found it curious that Carlson’s partner in the extremist rag, the Daily Caller, which he co-founded, was a former Dick Cheney aide named Neil Patel. The Southern Poverty Law Center reported in 2017 that the Daily Caller has “a white nationalist problem” - and received funding from the Koch cadre.
It seemed worth noting that Patel has a disgraced hedge fund partner Paul Konigsberg - who pleaded guilty to falsifying books and records for Bernie Madoff - but was spared prison time. What a relief, because he could then visit his family in Russia.
A CBS report from 2015 noted:
The leniency shown Paul Konigsberg, 79, means he can visit two of his grandchildren in Moscow as soon as he gets a new passport.
Because of course.

Another Day, Another Out-of-Court-Settlement
Carlson has been quite a useful pro-Kremlin propagandist. For a comprehensive thread on the Russian shilling he did nightly on Fox, please follow along at Vatnik, where he’s revealed as Vatnik #167 — a Putinist spewing anti-Ukrainian views. Here are some highlights:
In 2017, Carlson said he doesn’t consider Russia a “serious threat against the US”. He also said that Putin doesn't hate America as much as the liberals do and there’s no reason to hate Putin. (Author’s note: Sure, Jan.)
Russian TV propagandists often use Carlson’s segments to support their messaging. Russian leadership allegedly sent a memo to Kremlin-friendly media outlets that it's "essential" to use Tucker's video clips "as much as possible".
He's condemned Putin for the invasion, but initially called it a "border dispute". After the fervent conspiracy theorist Jacob Creech speculated that Russia is targeting "biolabs in Ukraine", Carlson soon started supporting the theory...
After Donald Trump Jr. met with Russian officials, asking for dirt on Hillary Clinton, Tucker came to his defense, saying that he'd only been "gossiping with foreigners".
It seems surreal that such an amoral man as Murdoch would shitcan a money-making show, but perhaps the 90 recordings Abby Grossberg said she has in her possession might have had something to do with Carlson’s mid-season ouster.
Although Fox initially denied Grossberg’s claims, the network settled for $12 million dollars. That’s a lot of denial. Grossberg had detailed a malignant bro culture, untreated even after the “me too” explosion rocked the network, resulting in the termination of Fox News founder Roger Ailes, and longtime anchor Bill O’Reilly.
“Tucker Carlson is a steaming pile of elite resentment crammed into a ‘regular folk’ costume willing to sell out his country for ratings.”—Wes Clark Jr., former army officer and environmental activist, told Bette Dangerous
I Was a Fox Blonde
It took my feminist daughter to awaken me from the malignant culture at Fox, it had become so normalized. I detailed my experience at Fox in multiple reports for Byline Supplement.
In my report on Tucker Carlson and the Misogny Epidemic at Fox News, I wrote about a personal encounter, one of many:
I was running through the Fox 11 newsroom when it still bristled with life, so it must have been about 2006, pre-Great Recession, when the coffers were flush enough to have proper staffing. Within a couple of years, metaphorical tumbleweeds would blow through the LA station, but on that day it was still bustling.
A senior producer stopped me mid-flight, hoisted up his pants and said, “I brought something for you from Las Vegas.”
He had just been to an adult entertainment expo in Sin City – likely just in time for a sweeps ratings period –- and my spidey sense said, ‘this is not going to be good’.
I tried to keep on moving, but the producer – who I was quite fond of – said, “Here, take it.”
He attempted to hand me a gadget.
I said flatly, “I’m not taking it, __.”
He said, “It’s a vibrator. I thought of you. Take it.”
I repeated, “I’m not taking it, __!”
He said one more time, “Go ahead, take it. I thought you’d like it.”
I said one more time, “I am not touching that thing. We’re in the middle of the goddamn newsroom. And even if we weren’t, I don’t want it!”
I held my hands up, as if I were under arrest and wanted to show the figurative cops my hands were empty.
He was still insisting I take the damn thing as the elevator was closing on his outstretched hand.
That, my friends, was just another day at the office at the Fox affiliate I worked at for the better part of 15 years.
As I wrote in Confessions of a Fox Blonde it was a man’s world in the news business when I worked there, and I did my damnedest to stay under the radar and just get the job done.
There were so many moments like that.
Like that time a manager said in the middle of a rundown meeting, “Just because she has a vagina doesn’t mean she doesn’t like sports.”
It’s so cringe it still makes me angry more than a decade later.
I can still hear the echoes of so many smug newsman voices.
“All she is is a pair of tits,” said a senior reporter about an executive producer. And then he repeated it, to ensure I heard him over the cubicle wall. I studiously ignored him and would continue to do so when he repeated it a third time.
I recognize now what I call post-traumatic news syndrome is a true form of PTSD. When I first read about Tucker Carlson’s demise, my reaction was to shrug.
The culture of sex abuse and misogyny had been normalized during my 15 years at a Fox affiliate. But I had been exposed to it as far back as my 20s.
I shared my encounter with Bill O’Reilly previously in Byline but it’s worth repeating, if only to illustrate how decades go by before bad behavior by men in television is acknowledged.
I had the displeasure of meeting Bill O’Reilly when I was 24. I was working as the associate editor of Hollywood Magazine, when I was tasked with interviewing the anchorman as he made the jump from ABC to Inside Edition
We met in a cramped hotel room, and I recall our chairs being so close together that his manspreading created no room for my knees. I had to tuck my legs under my chair. As he swung his long legs back and forth during the interview, knocking directly into mine, he had a lecherous twinkle in his eye. I did the only sensible thing a girl could do in that situation.
I lobbed him three softballs and then went for the jugular.
“How does it feel going from a real newsman to infotainment?” I asked.
I obliterated that lecherous twinkle with a hardball, and he turned into a viper. He was no longer interested in this young chippie in a pink sweater twinset, and the interview abruptly ended.
As I re-read Abby Grossberg’s complaints for this report, I’m left pondering why anyone would work at Fox News in a post-Trump world. Surely, there must be a less awful way to turn a buck.
I have written volumes about the Dominion Voting Systems lawsuit, and with what we know about the cynicism with which Carlson spread lies, the big money settlement felt like a terrible loss for truth.
Ruth Ben-Ghiat said that Fox is best “understood through an authoritarian lens” and refers to Fox as “a far-right radicalisation machine and the de facto propaganda arm of the GOP.”
In my studies of propaganda, I have come to understand that the damage is done over time through repetition and former CNN anchor Brian Stelter wrote in a recent New York Times op-ed, “the power of cable news is in its reach and repetition, not its ratings.”
He learned that, he said, during his tenure at CNN, where he anchored a program about media that reported on “Carlson’s radicalisation. The people who tuned in to his show… were only a subset of his total audience. When you count all the people who saw him on a TV at a bar or in an airport and all the people who watched a clip on the internet or heard a radio talk-show host quote him”, Stelter noted that the reach was exponentially larger than the ratings.
I suppose there’s something to be said for the ratings tanking in Carlson’s old timeslot. Rupert Murdoch only looks at the right side of ledgers so we’ll see what heinous plot he comes up with next. I remain shocked that there hasn’t already been an announcement that right-wing extremist Candace Owens is to be named as Carlson’s replacement. In addition, I await the GOP nomination of a presidential ticket of Carlson and failed Arizona gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake, two telegenic media creatures who embody the unreality of our time.
We are, after all, living in a post ‘grab ‘em by the pussy’ world – where audio recordings can leak of a reality TV star with a history of shady business deals saying the most disgusting things about women, and he still became president.
The day the Dominion lawsuit settled, I received many phone calls asking me how I felt. Rather than respond, I decided to write a TV news script – the kind I would have written on deadline for Fox 11 news all those years ago.
This just in…
Truth loses, liars win…
As a big phat settlement absolves Rupert of his sins.
No problem!
Caught on tape?
No big deal!
As long as he can write a check,
Anchor hacks can go on lying!
Continuing to consume Fox News
May result in rotting brains
Lower IQs
Lonely holidays
And kids who hate you.
But hey, at least you’ll own the libs.
And that’s not all…
You’ll help Russian propagandists earn their annual bonuses!
Be sure to tune in tonight for more Kremlin propaganda!
With your host - Orbán’s favorite dish! - Tucker Carlson!
Who will he be reputation- washing tonight?!
Mike Flynn? Yevgeny Prigozhin? Beelzebub?
Whatever rates in the 18 to 89 demo.
Funny thing is, that night – which would turn out to be Carlson’s last show — his featured guest was anti-vax presidential candidate Robert Kennedy Jr., who recited pro-Kremlin talking points about the war in Ukraine.
The malignancy continues.
Whatever rates.
‘Propaganda Kills’
“Propaganda is tremendously powerful. Propaganda creates terrorism. Propaganda kills. Propaganda helped cause the holocaust which resulted in over 11 million people deemed ‘the other’ being murdered,” said Fox critic Jen Senko, who directed the film, The Brainwashing of My Dad.
“Propaganda through the radio drove the killing of over 800,000 Tutsis by their neighbours and family in 1994. The constant drumbeat over the last 40 years of hate propaganda has come to its intended conclusion; disruption in the order of things, chaos and unbridled hatred of ‘the other’ – whoever ‘the other’ is at the time. History can repeat itself and will unless we speak out. Speak out to outlets that push hate. Speak out.”
With Elon Musk now co-signing on every propaganda tweet by every living monster in this series, millions of minds are being poisoned daily. Musk’s Twitter takeover was always a land grab in an information war, and it was always designed to be a psyop cannon to people’s minds.
I asked my podcast partner Jim Stewartson what this week’s Twitter spaces was ultimately about with Elon Musk, Mike Flynn, and Alex Jones — all featured in my American Monster series — along with some of the other worst, damaging propagandists in internet history — people permanently banned from Twitter that Musk reinstated.
He said it was to gather forces, and to rehab Alex Jones, who promoted his appearance on Tucker Carlson’s X show, which is simulcast on Russian state TV.
“It’s an open declaration of war,” Jim said.
Trying to break through the capitalist fortress protecting billionaire owned media networks is the fight of our lifetime. Who is protecting the American people from these propagandists?
As I explained in my conversation with Dr. Steven Hassan last week, we continually allow our freedoms to be used to destroy us from within and without — often by countries that have no freedom. Our First Amendment wasn’t a free pass to radicalize millions and our Second Amendment wasn’t a free pass for mass murder.
Dr. Hassan responded:
There’s no such thing as absolute ‘free speech’ — the law says if there's no fire, you can't yell fire in a crowded theater. Why? Because it will hurt people. People will get injured or die. Telling people that the election was stolen and having a riot, how is that different?
On Tuesday, December 12, 2023, Tucker Carlson — who knowingly spread election lies resulting in violence and death — hosted recently freed J6 convict Owen Shroyer, the right hand of convicted fraudster and negative billionaire, Alex Jones, on his X show.
The attempted murder of America by propaganda poison continues.
As the author of How Fascism Works Jason Stanley said last year, “Tucker Carlson is a Father Coughlin of the current moment — he’s constantly broadcasting coded anti-semitism.”
And as Paul Niland — an investigative reporter in Kyiv who founded Ukraine’s first suicide hotline after the 2014 Russian invasion — told RadPod this year, “What the US has to do is to know your enemy… Russian media was showing clips of Tucker Carlson — if Russia is on your side—you’re on the wrong g-ddamn side. Russia means absolutely no good to the United States. Russia is your enemy.”
And High Fidelity added: “He needs to be fired from public discourse, because he is a propagandist of our enemies. There is no ‘free speech’ when you spread the lies of those who wish us harm.”
I write about monsters, because I want you to see them in daylight. They are less scary when exposed in broad daylight. Some are preppy, in natty shoes without socks, but they are monsters nonetheless.
As Hunter Biden would say, hurt people hurt people.
Some of these monsters hurt, or they would not be destroying our world with their lies. They would not be aligned with a dictator and war criminal — destroyers of empathy and decency.
Truth must be the antidote. We must be the antidote.
To read the first 11 in the American Monster series, please go here:
To review my comprehensive reporting on Fox, please go here:
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More info about Bette Dangerous - This magazine is written by Heidi Siegmund Cuda, an Emmy-award winning investigative reporter, author, and veteran music and nightlife columnist. She is the cohost of RADICALIZED Truth Survives, an investigative show about disinformation and is part of the Byline Media team. Thank you for your support of independent investigative journalism.
“We just have to see that the battle for democracy is broader. It's deeper.“—David Pepper
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“Something Sacred never dies in almost all of us, who can hear the invitation of Truth…”-words from a Bette Dangerous community member
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(Illustration courtesy High Fidelity)