Hosted by renowned researchers Olga Lautman and Monique Camarra, KREMLIN FILE examines Russia's war on liberal democracy and the rise of authoritarianism across the globe.
2024 -- Inquiring minds want to know. Exploring topics through different prisms ~ creatively opening doors and dialogues, breaking silos -- with respect for many venues of opinions.
A newsletter connecting the past and present of American politics from a historian who has written extensively about civil rights, religious nationalism and modern conservatism.
Decoding Trolls decodes meanings immanent in memes - whether visual, audible, linguistic. Decoding Trolls perceives any emotion-moving activity of body, speech, or mind as trolling. See how trolls affect our moods / intentions / attitudes / motivations!
Exclusive weekend investigations and more extended features from the whole Byline team, with weekday forums taking you behind the headlines and building a community based on truth
I created Audrey’s Joy Train as a vehicle to share the beauty and magnificence of life as I experience it because of national parks and forests, and nature in general.
Writing, research and podcast for understanding and resisting the propaganda, psyops and malicious actors assaulting global liberal democracy. #IAmAntiFascist
Worried about the state of the republic? Get the legal knowledge & analysis you need to be an advocate for democracy, along with a dose of savvy optimism.
The Colorado Switchblade, led by Jason Van Tatenhove, blends satire with gonzo-style storytelling and sharp political insight, featuring local stories, engaging fiction, and podcasts from Colorado.
I reported Trump '16 and '20 for magazines & in my book THE UNDERTOW: Scenes from a Slow Civil War. I was going to sit '24 out, but the slow civil war is speeding up.
PREVAIL is a regular column about politics, history, national security, foreign affairs, organized crime, dirty money, global corruption, the fight for democracy—and, on Sundays, poetry and literature.