This Just In: Flynn Family Subpoenas
According to members of disgraced former Trump advisor Michael Flynn’s family, 20 subpoenas allegedly have been served so far
As noted in last week’s reporting, disgraced former Trump advisor Michael Flynn said he had received eight subpoenas.
Since the felonious Flynn has zero credibility, I reached out to the AZ AG to confirm Flynn’s own words that the eight subpoenas were “about election integrity, all this electoral stuff going on in Arizona.”
A spokesperson for Arizona AG Kris Mayes’ office declined comment due to “a potential grand jury proceeding.”
Today, Flynn’s son Michael Flynn Jr. announced on Twitter that he, too, had received eight subpoenas, and Flynn’s sister Mary reported that she had received 4 subpoenas.
Interestingly, my lead harasser, Flynn’s brother Joe, has gone dark on Twitter.
I have updated my file that I share with the Los Angeles FBI on Joe Flynn’s ongoing threats, and am hopeful that he is reconsidering life choices and his loyalty to his pro-Kremlin brother.
All this is of course complicated by Charles Flynn, who received his fourth star as his brother Mike was receiving a pardon, and who has been the subject of multiple J6 hearings. The latest occurred two weeks ago, when we again heard more testimony that Gen. Charles Flynn lied. Four national guardsmen under oath said that Charles Flynn and Gen. Piatt lied about what happened on J6, denying the command to allow DC National Guard to come to the aid of Capitol Police.
Those of you who joined us at Bette’s Speakeasy with Sgt. Auqilino Gonell know what a true American hero looks like.
True patriots don’t sell out their country, they defend their country.
As I wrote to Mike Flynn Jr. on Twitter:
It’s not too late to salvage your future and denounce your father’s treason — in fact, you will be celebrated for that decision, which I’m certain must be very difficult.
You still have a chance to redeem yourself and chart your own destiny.
I believe that.
No one is beyond redemption who seeks it.
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More info about Bette Dangerous - This magazine is written by Heidi Siegmund Cuda, an Emmy-award winning investigative reporter/producer, author, and veteran music and nightlife columnist. She is the cohost of RADICALIZED Truth Survives, an investigative show about disinformation and is part of the Byline Media team. Thank you for your support of independent investigative journalism.
Begin each day with a grateful heart.
I so very much hope they can nail Flynn to the wall with significant enough crimes to put him in the hole. Such a disgusting traitor, that one!!