ICYMI: Meat Is Murdoch - All My Fox Reports
Originally published April 2, 2023 before Rupert laundered his lie factory with a near billion-dollar settlement, I made it easy to follow the plot
***Republishing this compilation of some of my key Fox News reporting from April 2, 2023 due to the flurry of Media and Democracy subscribers. Hope you find it helpful and please consider an upgrade to a paid membership for an all access pass.***
‘Meat is Murdoch’ — title from a punk song I wrote in the ‘90s
“We are going to face attacks on every right we fought the last 60 years to gain.”-Tess Rafferty, November 2016
I am minutes away from dropping an international bombshell report in Byline Supplement. There is a war on gay people in America, and it’s being waged in every state. This is how fascism works. This is our war.
To distract my mind, I decided to be useful and put all my Fox News reports to date in one file, so you will have easy access to the facts of the Dominion Voting Systems lawsuit, and the harms Fox has caused and is continuing to cause. New members will also understand why this is so personal to me.
We just learned Rupert Murdoch had floated the idea of having Mike Flynn be a correspondent - after Flynn had lied to the FBI about his Russian contact and been fired and disgraced multiple times.
As news broke that a judge ruled the Dominion Voting Systems defamation case against Fox News will go to trial, and decimated the authoritarian right network’s defenses, I compiled a list with links to my key reporting. Please share with anyone who may find the work of value.
***I have to pause for a moment to wipe away tears. My report Reversing History: The US Authoritarian Right’s War on LGBTQ+ People was just published in Byline Supplement. My fingers are at a loss for words.***
In the report, I share stories of the beautiful queens who ruled Hollywood’s nightlife when I was a columnist for the Los Angeles Times. We are fighting some kind of evil.
Before I list out the Fox links, I need you to watch Tess Rafferty’s video below sent to me by a Bette angel today. Rafferty wrote this 2016 post-election manifesto two days after the fiasco.
I am seeking inspiration as the battle for the soul of our country intensifies - fully funded hate terrorists are working around the clock deploying psychological battery, the GOP is on a 24/7 victim-lying spree, and Twitter is a crime scene. Rafferty’s video, like Churchill’s ‘Beaches’ speech is inspiring me, and I want to share inspirational and motivating words with you as often as possible.
Here are some excerpts:
You voted for Trump, I am tired of trying to see things your way while you sit in your holier than thou churches slash white-power meetups refusing to see things mine. Did I just lump you in with white supremacists? No you did that to yourselves.
You voted for the same candidate as the KKK. You voted for a candidate endorsed by the KKK. For the rest of you life, you have to know that you voted the same way as the KKK. Does that feel good to you? Here’s a hint: It really shouldn’t, especially if you call yourself a Christian.
If you voted for Trump, I do think you’re a racist. I do think you’re a homophobe. I do think you’re a misogyist.
I tried to be polite but now I just don’t give a damn, because let’s be honest, we don’t live in polite America anymore. We live in grab ‘em by pussy America now, so thank you for that. Being polite was exhausting.
And don’t come at me with how you just didn’t like Hillary. This was bigger than Hillary. This wasn’t your standard, ‘I just want lower taxes and smaller government’ Republican. We had Germans warning us that this guy was scary, and still you cried ‘emails’ or ‘Benghazi’ or ‘that voice.’..”-Tess Rafferty, writer
Watch the entire eight minutes, and listen to a woman who got it right, while gaslighting was spreading like a pandemic throughout America.
As promised, links to my recent Fox News reporting:
Thank you for supporting my work.
I do not accept a fascist America. And I’m guessing you are with me on that.
Bette Dangerous is a reader-funded magazine. Thank you to all monthly, annual, and founding members. Thank you as well to all those who support my work with your generous coffee tips and who buy my ebooks. Some of you prefer making subsidizing donations via venmo, and it’s always greatly appreciated.
Also, a private link to an annual membership discount for older adults, those on fixed incomes or drawing disability, as well as activists and members of the media is available upon request at bettedangerous/gmail. 🥹
More info about Bette Dangerous - This magazine is written by Heidi Siegmund Cuda, an Emmy-award winning investigative reporter/producer, author, and veteran music and nightlife columnist. She is the cohost of RADICALIZED Truth Survives, an investigative show about disinformation and is part of the Byline Media team. Thank you for your support of independent investigative journalism.
Begin each day with a grateful heart.
“Something Sacred never dies in almost all of us, that can hear the invitation of Truth…”-words from a Bette Dangerous community member
I’m so glad you are aware of Tess! She’s still on Twitter last time I checked xo